© Strong Women Talking All Rights Reserved 2013 - 2024

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We acknowledge and pay our respects to the traditional custodians of the land on which we live and work the Turrball and Yaggera people. Their elders past, present and emerging. We also acknowledge our elders and ancestors who fought and resisted, who advocated and were activists in years past who have made a way for us be able to stand today.




3 in 5 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women have experienced physical or sexual violence perpetrated by a male intimate partner.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women are nearly 11 times more likely to due to assault than non-Indigenous women.

Donate To Help Us Break
The Cycle Of Violence

Your donation will help us to continue to offer a safe space for First Nations’ women who have experienced family and domestic violence.

Educate women about different forms of abuse and the cycle of violence

Equip women with new coping mechanisms and tools to heal from trauma

Empower women to come into a deep revelation of self worth and love

(07) 3292 3500DONATE TODAY

*Donations over $2 are tax deductible



Our story

Strong Women Talking is a not for profit Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders Corporation that was founded in 2017 with a vision to Educate, Equip and Empower First Nation women to heal from the impacts of domestic and family violence.

From 2017 onwards the organisation has been led by Community women including Aunties / Elders who saw a need for prevention focused solutions.

Since 2018 they have delivered Healing Journey workshops to over 200 women within Brisbane and greater Brisbane.

They need your support today to donate to help break the cycle of gender based violence towards First Nation Women. 

“We are honoured to walk with our sisters, in their strength, wisdom and cultural knowledge and see the resilience of our old people, our Elders and matriarchs shine through us.”  ~ Sono Leone

Our aim is to break the cycle of violence in our families and create a safe healing space for First Nation women to heal from the impacts of trauma from violent relationships.


*Donations over $2 are tax deductible

Every dollar counts

When you donate to Strong Women Talking, your contribution goes directly into helping us build awareness and educate on the cycle of domestic and family violence.

Together, we can create a future free from violence against Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women.

$100,000 would help 25 women complete the Healing Journey and receive essential living support. 

Raised so far


Fundraising goal


Your donation
will help support

We offer programs and workshops to help educate and support First Nations’ women and their families.

Educating Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women about the different forms of abuse cycles and violence.

Equipping Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women with new mechanisms and tools to be able to heal from trauma.

Empowering Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women to come into a deep revelation of self worth and self love.


*Donations over $2 are tax deductible

Stories from women we have supported

Domestic and family violence impacts First Nations women and children at disproportionate rates to non-indigenous women and children


*Donations over $2 are tax deductible

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women have reported experiencing violence in the past 12 months – 3.1 times the rate of non-Indigenous women.

3.1 times the rate of violence

Children are at greater risk

Family violence against women is the leading reason for disproportionately high numbers of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children are being removed from their families.

32 times higher rate of hospitalisation

Hospital rates for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women due to family violence-related assaults are 32 times higher than the rate for non-Indigenous women.

Significant Health Impacts

Intimate partner violence contributes 10.9% of the burden of disease for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women ages 18 to 44. This is more than any other health risk factor.


*Donations over $2 are tax deductible

Play your part in preventing family and domestic violence

Know the stats

Run by First Nations’ women,
for First Nations’ women

Capability Building

Capability Building

Elders Connect

Elders Connect

Journey Program

Journey Program

Sisters Connect

Sisters Connect


*Donations over $2 are tax deductible

Our services:

Help us continue this important work and change the lives of First Nations’ women, their children and families.


*Donations over $2 are tax deductible

Healthy Relationships Coaching

Healthy Relationships Coaching

It's been very therapeutic every time I've come to Strong Women Talking sessions. And I've always found that I've walked away learning something about other people and myself and also letting go of the shame and the stigma that's attached to being a victim of DV. I don't have to do it alone, It's not just a self thing. The impact that it's having on the community is that it impacts the individual and then it impacts our children because we're actually taking control of our story. And they are no longer going to be so exposed to like the violence but also, the helpless feeling of not being able to get out of it. It's like a ripple effect. It then helps your community like it's not so hidden in the dark.

~ Anonymous Strong Women Talking Participant

There's many strengths. I think the sisterhood is a big part of strong women talking and being able to have our elders, those who have not only experienced the same type of pains, but have  used different ways to overcome it. And so they just have that strength and that knowledge and that wisdom to guide us. 

~ Anonymous Strong Women Talking Participant

Our strong women

Our strong women

I found the workshops very informative and I felt like I learnt a lot and it really opened my eyes because I had witnessed a lot of domestic violence growing up. It is nice to go to a workshop surrounded by women who have shared the same past. I found it helpful and I felt like I identified with the facilitators. It is a very warm accepting environment which made it easy for me to open up and share. I have already recommended it to many of my friends to go as I think it will help them like it helped me. 

~ Anonymous Strong Women Talking Participant

It's given me a light to my new roads. It's given me a light to my new journey and given me the confidence to actually enable me to do that. You know, whereas before it was, like just still hitting that dead end road where you just were, I can't I want to go forward, but I can't Yeah, and now it's just like, I am going forwards.

~ Anonymous Strong Women Talking Participant


*Donations over $2 are tax deductible

Healing Journey Program

These programs run for 8 weeks and are designed to be delivered in a culturally safe space for participants to learn and grow. Workshops are trauma-informed where women can speak openly with experienced Facilitators and Elders. The Healing Journey Workshop is non-judgemental and maintains confidentiality and integrity, grounded in a Cultural Framework.

“We are honoured to walk with our sisters, in their strength, wisdom and cultural knowledge and see the resilience of our old people, our Elders and matriarchs shine through us”


*Donations over $2 are tax deductible

Our support location:



We are based in Meanjin (Brisbane).

We are able to provide services outside of Meanjin. If you would like to find out more please call us on (07) 3292 3500.


*Donations over $2 are tax deductible

Domestic & Family Violence Consultation

Domestic & Family Violence Consultation

Guest Speaking

Guest Speaking

3 in 5 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women have experienced physical or sexual violence perpetrated by a male intimate partner.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women are nearly 11 times more likely to due to assault than non-Indigenous women.

Donate To Help Us Break
The Cycle Of Violence

Your donation will help us to continue to offer a safe space for First Nations’ women who have experienced family and domestic violence.

Educate women about different forms of abuse and the cycle of violence

Equip women with new coping mechanisms and tools to heal from trauma

Empower women to come into a deep revelation of self worth and love


*Donations over $2 are tax deductible

3 in 5 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women have experienced physical or sexual violence perpetrated by a male intimate partner.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women are nearly 11 times more likely to die due to assault than non-Indigenous women.

Donate To Help Us Break
The Cycle Of Violence

Your donation will help us to continue to offer a safe space for First Nations’ women who have experienced family and domestic violence.

Educate women about different forms of abuse and the cycle of violence

Equip women with new coping mechanisms and tools to heal from trauma

Empower women to come into a deep revelation of self worth and love


*Donations over $2 are tax deductible



Strong Women Talking is a not for profit Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders Corporation that was founded in 2017 with a vision to Educate, Equip and Empower First Nation women to heal from the impacts of domestic and family violence.

From 2017 onwards the organisation has been led by Community women including Aunties / Elders who saw a need for prevention focused solutions.

Since 2018 they have delivered Healing Journey workshops to over 200 women within Brisbane and greater Brisbane.

They need your support today to donate to help break the cycle of gender based violence towards First Nation Women.

Our aim is to break the cycle of violence in our families and create a safe healing space for First Nation women to heal from the impacts of trauma from violent relationships.

Every dollar counts

When you donate to Strong Women Talking, your contribution goes directly into helping us build awareness and educate on the cycle of domestic and family violence.

Together, we can create a future free from violence against Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women.

$100,000 would help 25 women complete the Healing Journey and receive essential living support.

Your donation
will help support

We offer programs and workshops to help educate and support First Nations’ women and their families.

Educating Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women about the different forms of abuse cycles and violence.

Equipping Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women with new mechanisms and tools to be able to heal from trauma.

Empowering Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women to come into a deep revelation of self worth and self love.

Domestic and family violence impacts First Nations women and children at disproportionate rates to non-indigenous women and children

Know the stats

Help us continue this important work and change the lives of First Nations’ women, their children and families.





“We are honoured to walk with our sisters, in their strength, wisdom and cultural knowledge and see the resilience of our old people, our Elders and matriarchs shine through us”

Our story

3 in 5 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women have experienced physical or sexual violence perpetrated by a male intimate partner.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women are nearly 11 times more likely to due to assault than non-Indigenous women.

Donate To Help Us Break
The Cycle Of Violence

Your donation will help us to continue to offer a safe space for First Nations’ women who have experienced family and domestic violence.

Educate women about different forms of abuse and the cycle of violence


*Donations over $2 are tax deductible

Empower women to come into a deep revelation of self worth and love

Equip women with new coping mechanisms and tools to heal from trauma

WARNING: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people should be aware that this website contains images, voices and names of deceased persons.